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Written Agreement Vertaling

All other terms of employment will remain in effect until the termination date if no other agreement is reached in this agreement. In addition to the right to terminate the above-mentioned worker during the cooling-off period, the parties waive the transaction contract as far as the law allows. – The contracting parties sign this settlement agreement, as mentioned in Article 7:900 and in the Dutch Civil Code, in order to avoid any uncertainty or dispute after consultation and careful consideration. Mr. De Groot received support from De Graauw Legal; – The parties stress that Mr. de Groot cannot be held responsible for Finito`s initiative to terminate the employment contract and that the termination is not based on an urgent ground within the meaning of Article 7:678 of the BGB; This agreement is governed by Dutch law and is interpreted accordingly, and the Dutch courts have exclusive jurisdiction to adjudicate all disputes under this agreement; Altijd weer een aanleiding voor verwarring: het gebruik van het Engelse woord termination wanneer het gaat om het be`indigen van een contract naar Nederlands recht. Het is maar net hoe de ander het woord interpreteert. Twee van mijn masterstudenten gabn een presentatie in het Engels, Het ging erom dat dat een leverancier van biologische grondstoffe een overeenkomst zonder duidelijke red hat gek-ndigt. De vraag van de klant, een producent van biologische voedingsmiddelen, aan zijn advocaat was of dat zo maar kon, al helemaal omdat die producent nu zijn verplichtingen naar zijn klanten niet meer kon nakomen.

Een andere cultuur (in say geval: een andere rechtscultuur) geeft woorden inderdaad een andere betekenis… zelf zo zeer dat er soms gewoon geen vertaling voor bestaat… Mr. de Groot receives his regular salary and emoluments until the time of dismissal. Until March 1, 2018, Mr. de Groot will continue to work as usual and will take care of a formal workover. From March 1, 2018 until the termination date, Mr. de Groot is completely exempt from work and the obligation to report in the workplace.

During this exemption period, no refunds, travel packages and new days of leave are accumulated. Finito informed Mr. de Groot of the legal cooling-off period which gave him the right to terminate his transaction contract within fourteen days of the conclusion of the contract, without having to explain why. It can do so by sending a written statement to the employer. Mr. de Groot therefore has the right to revoke within this time frame his decision to accept this agreement. If the provisions of this agreement are respected, the parties agree to each other the full and final discharge and do not confirm any other rights conferred by the employment contract, termination of the employment relationship or in any other way. 2.

If Mr. de Groot takes a different position before the termination date, but not before 1 March 2018, the employment contract ends by mutual agreement, by derogation from Article 1.1, by derogation from Article 1.1, on the date of the start of his employment with the new employer (the “new date of dismissal”). In this case, half of the remaining salary, including the leave allowance and the year-end bonus for the period between the new termination date and the termination date of Article 1.1, will be added to the severance pay amount. The employer`s obligation to continue paying the salary then ends on the new termination date. All other conditions of this agreement remain unchanged. Where this provision applies, the new termination date replaces the termination date in this agreement. Mr. de Groot is required to inform Finito elsewhere within two working days of employment.

A periodic final census is carried out within one month of the termination date.